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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dedicated to all the fitness enthusiasts

About 2 years ago, I took up fitness very seriously. I decided that I would reach a level of fitness that would make me feel great inside. It was a very tough endevour in the beginning considering my health was average at the age of 26. 

My fitness level then (somewhere around Nov/2009) can be described in the following way:
a. Body Weight: 78 Kg
b. Food intake: Heavy Veg., Non-Veg (Chicken only), Loads of Deserts and sweets almost every day.
c. Stamina: 1.5km of jogging took me 10mins. Very sluggish. 
d. Water intake: 1 liter per day.
e. Sleep: More than 10 hrs. Included late night sleep-in
f.  Alcohol intake: Twice a week.

I quit my fancy gym to join a small and simple yet serious gym owned by a martial artist and his student. Being trained by them for Kickboxing (KB) in their Dojo (Martial arts training school/place under the guidance of a Shidoshi or a sensei) was pretty exciting but very very rigorous.

It was their passion and knowledge in Health, fitness and martial arts that encouraged me to pursue KB seriously. It was a great experience since the Dojo was equipped with few boxing bags, pads but the best equipment was the Sensei's experience and sound knowledge in the art itself. 

I used to attend the KB sessions every alternate days and the Gym (at the same center) the remaining days. I used to try my best to attend 6 days a week. And I was serious in ensuring consistency. Come rain or shine, I used to be at the gym. It was in the evenings and I used to finish my work by 630pm to be there on time and give my self about an hour-and-a-half daily to bring my health back to shape. It really paid off. 
There were few consequences. I lost out on social life, time with my family but I gained great health, excellent rapport with my sensei, some good friends and the best thing is the knowledge on fitness and how the body reacts as well. :-) So I am not complaining.

Our bodies are a reflection of our inner health, peace and personality. A well maintained body indicates the will power of a person, the attitude and fitness level. Can be presumed that the health is good as inner health is a function of many other factors as well. 

The saying which inspired me deeply was this 'We forge our bodies in the fire of our will

Today, in Nov/2011 @ the age of 28+ when I take a look at my self in the mirror, it gives me a great deal of satisfaction for the hard work, commitment and perseverance that I invested to achieve a healthy looking physique.

Some of the things I learnt, changed in myself to achieve this level of fitness is as follows. I shall detail my diet and workout in the next section.
  1. Diet means = TO EAT (but to eat the right things and avoid the wrong things). Its the attitude of the body. You mess up with the diet, your body will not respond. Even if one goes for a walk in the morning for about 2-3km daily, but follows a poor diet, the effects are average.
  2. Consistency is everything. The best gym/training center is of no use if a person is not consistent in his fitness and health program. Morning walk or even brisk walking will not have an effect if one is not consistent.
  3. Health and fitness programmes DON'T work on short term basis. Its not an investment program like shares or mutual funds which have a short term and long term perspective. Health and fitness don't work that way. After working for 9-10 months, you can assess something but after about 18-24 months, results start showing.  Note: The first three months are the toughest in any fitness program. Don't lose faith.
  4. No Pain, No gain. Pain is like weakness leaving the body. I heard this somewhere and its really true. If you don't experience pain while working out, it means you are not pushing yourself to achieve greater and effective levels of fitness.
  5. Simple Program: follow a simple workout program and follow it consistently. Results will show.
  6. Water and sleep. Lots of water, Good sleep (not excess) is essential.
  7. For your diet and fitness program, consult your doctor and or your fitness trainer to see if your cholesterol, Triglycerides, BP and your back (lower-back especially) is OK. The endocrine system (hormone producing system) should be in order. 
As mentioned, I will be sharing my exercise workout and my diet. Here they are:

Exercise Workout:

Days: Mon, Wed & Fridays (alternate days) - Weight training 
Style: Advanced (Pyramids and Drop structure essential for boxing-Lean body)
  • Monday: Chest and Triceps
  • Wednesdays: Back (upper and lower) and biceps
  • Fridays: Legs and Shoulders
For details of excises (nos. of repetitions and sets), it would require another post. I shall do so.

Days: Tue, Thur & Saturdays (alternate days) - Kick Boxing
Style: Stage II, Intermediate 

The following is spread over 3 days.
  • Stretches
  • Bag work-1: Forward (front) Kick, Round-house, Side-kick (front and side), Turn back kick. 
  • Shadow Boxing: Forward (front) Kick, Round-house, Side-kick (front and side), Turn back kick, Punches, Jabs, Hooks, Upper-cut, Elbows. Recovery-Push-ups, Side-sit-ups (basic and advanced), Jumps, Bar-pees.
  • Punching and kicking pad: forward (front) Kick, Round-house, Side-kick (front and side), Turn back kick.
  • Bag Work-2: Combination Punches, Combination kicks, Kick and punch combos.
  • Bag Work-3: Shin Kicks- lower and upper. Bag weight: 120kgs hard.
  • Abs: Core, Obliques
  • Closing formalities with Sensei.

Home Fitness: Regular or Days when gymming and KB is not possible
  • Skipping: 2000 repetitions
  • Jogging: 2 km
  • Meditation: 20-30 mins with breathing exercises.

My DIET (and suggestions)
Its all about eating. And eating the right thing and drinking loads of water.

I have the benefit of eating home-food. So it is easier for me and I understand that everyone may not have this comfort. 

Breakfast: Vegetarian, Regular South Indian style + 2 Glasses of water.

   Avoid- Excess chutney, deep fried Wada, oily masala dosa, Kesari bath  strong filter Coffee

12 PM: Odd hour hunger pangs: Eat salads, fruits or Veg. or fruit juices +1 bottle of water.

Lunch: Vegetarian. 1 cup of curry, 1 cup dal ( or sambar/rasam)
                              2 pulkas, 1 cup plain curds.

4:30-5pm: Odd hour hunger pangs: Eat salads, fruits or Veg. 
                250ml of Whey protein (under the guidence of my trainer) and 1-1/2 bottles of water.
   Avoid- Excess chutney, deep fried Wada, oily masala dosa, Kesari bath  strong filter Coffee, NO-BAKERY FOOD AT ALL

630pm: Small cup or corn flakes, wheat flakes or any cereal with cold milk.

Dinner:  @ 9pm after my workout
                            1 cup of curry, 1 cup dal ( or sambar/rasam)
                              2 pulkas, 1 cup plain curds.

                      2 Bottles of Water.

Diet Cheat Day: Saturday evening to Sundays... Eat all tasty stuff and down some beer if you'd like.

NOTE: Please avoid Bakery food. Puffs and other masala buns, deep friend snacks and pastries on weekdays and keep them for the cheat day-Sundays if you'd like.

We lead a sendentry life and our diets have to be modified to adjust to that. We need to eat. but eat proportionately to suit our physical activity. Feeling young is different from actually being young and having a young body. Dont underestimate the way the body reacts. It will surprise you if you ignore it.
It may seem very difficult to follow a exercise pattern daily and be diet conscoius, but if you start, you will realize how easy it is to stay fit. 

You cant beat the feeling of having great health. Its better than the high of drinking the best quality of scotch whisky. Trust me, I have tried both. :-)


Unknown said...

nice post... motivating as well...

Unknown said...

nice bro..