A rosy dawn and a cold blue morning, with aeroplane trails in fiery streaks across the sky which made made it look as though a powdering of frost would settle down on trees and fence posts. The dove-grey buildings of my city glowed a rich cream in the rising sun as I walked across a million tiny shops in the market place. Thin-leather driving mittens in a nice cerise tan seemed to be a la mode for the beautiful women of bangalore this winter. But I wore my thermal gloves warm enough to juggle ice blocks in and good enough to keep me from shivering . It was going to be a nippy day in the landscaped dells of Cubbon Park.
The margins of the nearby lake were still. Felt as though they were skinned over with ice. Could feel the suns warm rays. Its shadows thrown blackened the great sprawl of the Palace on its rise of ground.
I was with her, sipping coffee at the coffee shop round the corner. The view from the cafe's large window panes made the morning feel even more cozy. The Insurance building facing us looked hunched and formidable from this perspective, an image mirrored by the distant statue of the queen, that stood poised at the busy junction of MG Road, silhouetted on its column against the blue sky.
I ask myself.... Will this winter morning come again. This august or the coming November?
winter in august?? well, anything is possible ;)
winter in august?? well, anything is possible ;)
Let winter come anytime...
but you'll have warmth very soon...
After a long wait my friend, you shall see the glory...
Now I shall follow shakespeare....
U surely are enjoying the much needed (and awaited break)..
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