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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Man's Envisage

From the early morning of the world, until very recent times, the best energies of mankind have been wasted in the worship of gods. All these gods have been naturally produced. They originated in the minds of men who, by their invention, sought to account for the facts of nature. The poor savage found himself surrounded by nature’s phenomena he just could not comprehend. Knowing nothing of natural law and order, ignorant of the relation of the clichéd term ‘cause and effect’, his simple mind was terrified and amazed by the things that he observed. The plaintive moan of the wailing wind, the thunder's awful roar, the lightning's blinding flash, the devastating flood, the lingering disease that tortured and deformed, and death that stilled the voices of his loved ones, convinced him of the presence of evil powers that worked to bring about his ruin.

But there were other things that seemed to strive in his behalf. The genial warmth of the sun, the soft light of the moon, the pleasant showers of summer days, the abundance of fish and forest foods, and the health and happiness that he enjoyed--these led him to believe that some of nature's powers were his devoted friends. Thus all the friendly and unfriendly phenomena were personified; and thus were made the gods. A very simple classification of good and bad or a friend and enemy made the savage mind fill the earth and air with friends and foes. Whatever brought him good was a friend--a god; whatever brought him harm was a foe--a devil. To him, nothing was natural. Everything that happened had a supernatural cause. The world was filled with miracles and marvels. All things were the sport and prey of good and evil gods.


Aakarsh said...

Thoughts like these have held me captive since god(if he exists)-knows-when...and till date i am just an agnostic guy. but my inner instinct says that if God brings you good, he(donno why gender is important also) is your friend. now, if he is your friend, why do we need to prostrate before him. why do we need to worship him..we can as well talk or communicate with our own meditative longings.. I dont think God clamours for these prayers and chants, coz if he does, he ceases to be himself..any respect/love in any relationship would reach a pinnacle only when it is unconditional...the moment conditions underplay (or overplay) the direction is lost..I guess thats what is happening with the Mankind these days...

very Good post...the topic is similar(analogus..but not the same) to one of my future posts, still brewing in my mind.

Kriti said...

and this concept of super natural powers was exploited to bring some order among the savages... 'If you commit this 'sin', this God will get angry and do this to you. but if you are good, then that God will be pleased and will bless you with that'..

God definitely doesnt ask for anything...and He definitely doesnt was all man-made, so some order could prevail in the society..but somehow, unsurprisingly, things have blown out of proportion and people seem to have lost the true meaning of worship...

Sanjay Ravi said...


These doubts are always left unanswered. coz if they were addressed, then lots of unnecessary details would create confusion in the minds of ardent believers of god. and basically the 'savage' as i have referred to, is happy in this blind belief. so its not going to make any difference in even looking for answers.


U Said it!!