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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Dismay of Hope

Why are there so many men in this world?? NO, Why aren't there many interesting women in this world?????? Just when you believe that there could be one, you realize you were dreaming and THUD!!!!!!!! You wake up and realize 'How nice it is to dream' and continue dreaming.

Ok, I'll explain the background story to this intense spurt of emotions.

I happen to see an interesting comment in my blog space. A comment on my recent post. Knowing very well that this particular post would provoke many readers to comment in every dimension of their personal beliefs, I keep checking on the comments posted. Now one such comment had my mind thinking.

The identity of the person was undisclosed and it was posted as 'anonymous'. Now adding to this curiosity, there was something which made me really believe that it was by someone. An interesting person. No!! And its NOT 'you know who' neither could it have the roots from there. If you do not understand what I'm trying to say, its alright but do not decide to misunderstand.

The comment was a short one but certain sentences made me feel that it could have been posted by a person of the opposite sex. An Interesting woman!!! 'The HOPE' made me feel good and believe that this planet is really a nice place to live in. I even thanked the creators of the Internet to have made this physical and geographical distances between nations so small. The thrill of having to find out who this anonymous person made life for me extra interesting. Yes! Extra......

'Those were the best days of my life'... Sounds familiar? I was so excited that I even asked this one 'particular friend', co- blogger to read the comment and to help me out in my mission of discovering the identity. Guess that was my Cardinal sin which I committed. I should have just kept quiet (rather follow the popular Shakespearean quote*)

This friend had nevertheless helped me in successfully discovering the identity of that 'interesting person' but to my DISMAY I realized that it was he who had posted it. And crushed my entire bubble of hope. Well life is beautiful as they say.
*Refer to url:


hooliganking said...
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hooliganking said...

now that my cover,my incognito ," the anonymous " has been blown to smithereens, let me publicly acknowledge that YES!! it was me who posted that comment lolz
sorry to burst your bubble dude but no worries.. come i'll buy you a smoke ( minerva....r u listening?)

Aakarsh said...

ha! ha!..Mr.Anonymous, hellskitchen will never forget this one..just wish that he doesnt show u the kitchen of hell, for blowing his bubble of curiousity.

Kriti said...

hey novice, send me one too..they dont sell 'em loose here..and they are damn expensive as well ;)

Kriti said...

heheh..rising force, time to wake up and smell the coffee..not sayin it coz m a feminist or any such thing..and yup,sometimes it is better to leave certain mysteries unsolved..makes life more interesting..imagine how dull it would be if you knew everything!!!adn there is no risk of bubbles bursting either ;)

hooliganking said...

i just hope that the rising force does not rise up to the ocassion to forcfully throw the kitchen sink at me.. lol

u just birst my bubble :(