Simplicity of Life
If i do have the right to speak about 'life', i guess it should be really simple. As simple as it can get. I Guess the man made tensions like money and competition has led many people to change their attitude towards life. Again, if i do have the right to talk about 'life', i would say every day of my 22 and odd years have been going good. I guess 'life' has a lot to teach me, so as its sincere student i guess i should just be enjoying every moment.
Money and competition make life interesting. They have been created by man. It directly affects no animal or any other living creature except man. When we go on a vacation, we enjoy nature's peace and the way in which animals love being in its tranquility. So is it really justified to spoil our inner peace just because some man created thing called money has interfered or has become a potential threat to the peace we could enjoy? They seem too trivial to the precious gift God has given us-Called life. It can really be so Simple, we insist on making it complicated.
Its easy to say, 'Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you'

But is it really that difficult?
'Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction' E.F. Schumacker